Wondering what to do on Halloween this year? Head to Italy’s famous haunted landmarks for an overnight stay...if you dare!
Villa di Corliano in Tuscany

Located in the province of Pisa, Villa di Corliano is a historic estate—and “haunted” B&B—that dates to the fifteenth century. If you are brave or curious enough you can book a weekend in this charming Renaissance mansion surrounded by the iconic Tuscan landscape. Also enclosed within the villa’s original walls are a chapel, stables, an olive oil mill, and a large park. At the heart of the haunted activity is Teresa Scolastica della Seta Gaetani Bocca, the villa owners’ daughter at the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth century. The daughter of a prominent Tuscan family, she had such a strong connection to Villa di Corliano that she refused to let go, even after her death. Various witnesses have reported ghostly sightings of the woman in the presence of a full moon. Additional reports of strange noises and footsteps in the main hall and rooms have also been noted!
Castello Dal Pozzo in Piemonte

The alternative Halloween party of your dreams awaits at this magnificent castle, available for booking on Airbnb. In 1400, Castello Dal Pozzo was home to the noble Viscontis and their young and beautiful daughter Barbara. As legend has it, Lady Barbara, already betrothed to a nearby feudal lord, fell madly in love with Messer Matteo, a young and handsome captain who immediately reciprocated her feelings.

To consolidate their clandestine love, the two decided to run away together, but their father Alberto discovered the plan and locked his daughter in the castle tower. Destroyed by the separation, Barbara sank into inconsolable despair and died in the tower where she had been locked up. Since then, Lady Barbara has haunted the castle above Arona, on Lake Maggiore, for centuries. The ghost is waiting for you at her castle in Oleggio Castello, Piedmont.
Cambiaso Tower in Genoa

On the hills adjacent to the Ligurian capital is the Hotel Torre Cambiaso, a spectacular former noble residence in which the spirit of a young girl has been known to wander and torment guests with melancholic songs. The girl was killed at an early age by Saracen pirates who besieged the fortress.
Burchianti Hotel in Florence

The Hotel Burchianti is located in the heart of Florence, and has been for years the favorite refuge of artists and poets. Today, in addition to tourists and guests, the rooms and corridors are paced by a fair amount of “sinister presences.” In fact, numerous guests speak of disturbing encounters with cleaning women and women struggling with knitting. One room in particular, containing the frescoes, offers a unique experience, according to tales from guests: feeling an icy breath on your face in the middle of the night—when the doors and windows are closed, of course. Dolcetto o scherzetto!
Barbara Benzoni
Barbara Benzoni was born in Milan and lives between Rome and Tuscany. She is devoted to USA, the land of courage and innovation. She’s Peter's super-lucky mum and Ale's wife. Cinema, art, good food and only beautiful things are the themes of her existence. With a degree in Italian literature and a Masters in Sports Management she can both enjoys books and basketball matches. In 25 years she has been organizing sport events all over the world and she’s been lucky enough to meet the greatest champs ever. Curiosity in everyday life and people are her drivers. Her personal icon is Mohammed Ali : "It's not bragging if you can back it up".