Calzone or Panzerotti: What’s the Difference?
The term “portable pizza” can mean anything from a quick slice to a Hot Pocket fresh from out of the microwave. Take-away food or the option for something quick and easy while you’re on the move may seem very American, however, this is no new tradition. Italian Street Food is an enduring culinary tradition that is still massively popular throughout Italy.
When you think of “portable pizza” two Italian turnovers may come to mind - Calzone and Panzerotti. Calzone, originally from Naples, has a rich history for being one of Italy's oldest-known street foods. Panzerotti, found throughout Central and Southern Italy - particularly the Puglia region - is similar to the calzone although it’s fried, not baked. The origins of the name “calzone” came from its function while the origins of the name “panzerotti” came from its shape. So how can you tell them apart? Here are some facts about these classic Italian street foods that will help you determine calzone from panzerotti:

- The calzone dates back to 1170 and is one of Italy’s oldest street foods.
- Calzone gets its name from the word “Calze” or pants. Historically, it’s said that you’d enjoy this portable pizza while wearing pants.
- The calzone is technically considered a “turnover.” The Italian American calzone is about the size of a medium slice of pizza folded in half.
- Calzones are baked giving them a soft yet thick texture.
- The dough is made using a sourdough starter. Once it’s filled, the dough is folded in half and given an egg wash to seal it shut.
- The Neapolitan calzone is filled with ricotta, provolone, and pecorino cheeses. Sometimes it includes salami. Other regions have different spins on ingredients to stuff their calzone.
- In the United States, calzones have many different ingredients inside including BBQ-Chicken and a taco calzone with round beef, cheddar cheese, and onions.

- Panzerotti was created by a baker in the Salento region of Puglia who was looking for ways to use the leftover dough.
- Panzerotti are created similar to pizza but smaller in size. The dough is cut into small balls and then set aside to rise. They are flattened and topped with tomatoes and mozzarella.
- Panzerotti are deep-fried which is why they are also known as calzoni fritti or pizze fritte.
- Like the calzone, the panzerotti is folded in half.
- Originally, panzerotti were deep-fried in lard. Today, most places will fry panzerotti in oil.
- In the early 18th century, panzerotti recipes used 3 kinds of cheeses; buffalo mozzarella, parmesan, and caciocavallo. Savory ingredients were also added like ham, hard-boiled egg yolks, parsley, and nutmeg.
- A sweet version of panzerotti also exists. They are filled with chocolate ganache, hazelnut spread, sweetened ricotta, and jam. These are often covered in powdered sugar.
AJ Forrisi
Assistant Editor for America Domani, AJ Forrisi is a Brooklyn-based writer and photographer. His work focuses on food, travel, sports, landscapes, and urban scenes. You can find him on Instagram