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American collectors made a permanent mark on the American public’s access to fine art. Here are 7 incredible Italian Renaissance paintings you can find in America.
The holiday in the county, known as Festa della Mamma, dates to 1957, some 50 years after the tradition was born in the United States.
There are few countries that rival Italy in the arena of musical contribution. From directional terms like forte, crescendo and legato, to the invention (Cristofori’s piano) and crafting (Stradivarius violins) of instruments, Italians have revolutionized the art over hundreds of years. And it’s no secret that composers have been among the country’s greatest gifts to
The Villa of the Quintili, one of the most impressive excavated ancient Roman villas, lies on the ancient Appian Way southeast from Rome.
If Diego Armando Maradona were still alive, the greatest football player in history would be crying for joy.
The Colosseum is one of the most visited sites in the world, renowned through its nearly 2,000-year-old history for being home to scores of bloody gladiator and exotic animal games.
If you are coming to Italy from a country, like the United States, you may be prepared to leave a lot of extra cash behind when tipping in Italy.
Mother’s Day is on Sunday, May 14th and there’s still time to get the perfect gift for your mom, grandma, mother-in-law, or mother figure in your life.
In response to this second outbreak, the city of Florence devised a unique coping mechanism: buchette del vino, or “wine windows.”
vulgar Latin, alongside a mixture of Germanic expressions, eventually resulted in a language that is still spoken in the area today: Ladin.