Don’t miss out on any of the latest Culture articles from America Domani!
While it may seem bizarre that a country that loves starch and carbohydrates so much has one of the healthiest diets in the world, it’s actually not too hard to achieve a healthy Italian lifestyle.
Check out the worlds first photography firm, founded in 1852 by Florence based Italian brothers Leopoldo, Romualdo, and Giuseppe Alinary.
Love the Italian capital AND a good old fashioned ghost story? Check out these three haunted sites and sprinkle some spookiness into your next Rome trip!
Check out these five ideas and practices we have the ancient Romans to thank for and still use to this very day.
Learn about the history and tradition behind the Italian ritual of aperitivo.
Discover the brutal history behind Italian American discrimination and the facts behind the 1891 lynchings in New Orleans.
Another lesser-known defining feature in North America’s breadbasket is that Omaha, Nebraska is home to a large population of Italians.
Learn about August 3, 1492 and the day that Italian admiral navigator Christopher Columbus sets sail from the port of Portugal.
Many women before Elena had the chance to enter university, but the most reliable sources indicate that Elena was the first to receive a doctorate.
A handful of the world’s dogs can trace their origins back to Italy. Take a look at seven adorable Italian breeds.