The National Italian American Federation hosts a photo contest for photographers to submit their best photos. In 2020, here were the top 6 winners.

Ryan Muglia photographed two of the lambs on his farm in a cuddly embrace.

Rossella Fevola photographed her daughter imitating the Statue of Liberty on a trip to the statue for their anniversary with their children.

Roberto Tazzieri photographed "Senora Maria in San Gregorio Magno, a small town in the province of Salerno, has overcome the war and the hunger by working the land hard."

Christine M. Saladino photographed her mother standing by her husband's military gravestone.

Camille Hoheb photographed "the beauty of the present, on looking at what is right in front of your eyes, of enjoying the moment, relishing the sunset, taking stock in the day."

Stephanie Saraceno Roadruck photographed her 9-year-old son swimming in his one and only meeting of the Covid-19 Summer Swim season.
The 2022 NIAF Photo Contest ends on October 3rd, 2022.
Anyone can submit to the contest. This year’s theme is Tanti Auguri, pictures must be 300 dpi, must write why the picture fits the theme, and email to this address to submit: