Known as Italy’s first capital city and the fourth largest city in the country, Turin, or Torino, is a magical place filled with an irresistible old-world charm and rich history. Tucked in the heart of Piedmont in Northern Italy amidst the towering Alps, this former capital often goes overlooked in favor of cities such as Florence or Rome, despite its captivating beauty. We believe Turin deserves to be explored and America Domani has curated a shortlist of unique things to do in this hidden gem of a city.
Lavazza Museum

Steeped in a rich legacy that dates all the way back to the late 1800s, Turin stands proud as the birthplace of the world-famous Italian coffee brand, Lavazza. Visitors of the Lavazza Museum can discover the aromas and origins of Lavazza coffee through the museum's immersive exhibits. And for all you coffee lovers: our favorite part of the museum is that the entrance ticket includes a coffee tasting, which allows you to experience Lavazza’s various quality blends that will leave you feeling content and caffeinated!
Mole Antonelliana and The National Museum of Cinema

“The Mole”, as it’s affectionately called in Turin, is the city’s most iconic landmark and a cherished symbol for residents. Originally intended to be a synagogue, the Mole Antonelliana now houses the Cinema Museum, which showcases the rich history of film from around the world. During your museum visit, it is possible to ascend to the top of the Mole with a panoramic lift to admire a stunning 360° view of this dazzling Northern Italian city.
Historic Cafés

Turin is known for its rich coffee and chocolate culture, boasting some of the oldest coffee houses in the entire country. Caffè al Bicerin and Caffè Fiorio, both founded in the late 1700s, truly embody the origins of Italian coffee tradition and historical Italian cafés. Some of the greatest minds of the time, such as Nietschze and Dumas, shared their grandiose musings over cups of coffee in these very establishments. At Caffè al Bicerin in particular, one can enjoy a signature Torino-style coffee called bavareisa or bicerin, which is a delectable fusion of espresso, hot chocolate, and milk.
Il Museo Egizio (The Egyptian Museum)

The Egyptian Museum is a must-see when visiting Turin, as it boasts the largest collection of ancient Egyptian antiquities outside of Cairo itself. If you’re a major history buff, then you’ll love exploring this museum, which houses over 30,000 artifacts and is the world’s oldest museum dedicated to ancient Egyptian history.
Monte dei Capuccini

If you want to soak in one of the most recognized views of Turin, then you have to add Monte dei Capuccini to your itinerary. This hilltop is popular with locals and overlooks the entire city of Turin, with views of the snow-capped Alps and the Mole towering in the distance. Ideal for a romantic rendezvous or a peaceful getaway, Monte dei Capuccini offers both visitors and residents a serene vantage point to gaze upon the bustling cityscape from a distance.
Emily Rascon
Emily Rascon is from San Diego, California and is currently in the process of completing her Masters in Human Geography through the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz. She has always had a passion for traveling and learning new languages, having lived in Germany and now Italy. Emily loves reading books, going hiking, and of course, practicing her Italian! In addition, Emily enjoys creating content on TikTok, where she documents her life abroad and encourages people to find the confidence to pursue their inner wanderlust.