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An Evening with the Maestro, Andrea Bocelli (Exclusive Interview: Part II)

America Domani sat down with Andrea Bocelli to discuss his career, inspiration and relationship with family. In the second part of this interview we discussed his connection with America, his collaborations with other artists, and his advice for those who are facing difficulties in their lives. The following interview has been divided in two parts and edited for length and clarity. 

America Domani: You are very beloved in America. How would you describe your rapport with American fans?

Andrea Bocelli: The United States is my second home. The USA evokes an empathy both on stage and in daily life, that is unlike anywhere else in the world. Every time I think about it, I think of my father and his words to me when nobody knew who I was. “You need to make yourself known in America, because over there they will truly appreciate you,” he would say. And in time, his words proved to be true! This extraordinary country has loved me from day one. When I perform in America, I always find myself reuniting with close friends and it feels like we haven’t missed any time together in years.

AD: For Italian Americans, you are a great source of pride. What does this mean to you?

AB: They are my brothers and my sisters. I am so honored and proud to have received the welcoming and affection from the Italian American community through the years. It is a mutual feeling that I share as well, and it comes from the heart. I am proud of my roots, I love my country, I feel it is a privilege to have been born in a land like Italy and in particular, Tuscany, rich with marvelous art, architecture, landscape, and in a place that has given life to some of the greatest artists and composers in history. This is one of the principal reasons why, after a quarter-century of my career, I still have great enthusiasm to travel and perform all over the globe. It is a tremendous joy to be able to share the beauty of Italian music and culture with people across the world.

AD: How does the spirit of collaboration with foreign artists impact your career and what does that mean to you?

AB: I have always been one to look for travel partners and for colleagues with whom I can collaborate, both on stage and in the recording studio. Wherever there is great talent, true musical alchemy can be formed. It is a beautiful thing when two artists with different characteristics and backgrounds come together in a reciprocal way to express their musical qualities. This has always been a concept that has fascinated me since the beginning of my career. The United States represents a corridor rich with talent. Even though I have always appreciated all the artists with whom I have collaborated from all over the world, so many of the artists I have collaborated with come from this great country. In the United States, I was able to share the stage with some of my heroes, from Stevie Wonder to Tony Bennett, from Celine Dion to Barbra Streisand. The United States has also given me the opportunity to meet and collaborate with some of the most promising young artists in the world.

(Photo Credit: FRANCOIS MORI via AP)

AD: How would you describe your pride for Tuscany?  

AB: They are my brothers and my sisters. I am so honored and proud to have received the welcoming and affection from the Italian American community through the years. It is a mutual feeling that I share as well, and it comes from the heart. I am proud of my roots, I love my country, I feel it is a privilege to have been born in a land like Italy and in particular, Tuscany, rich with marvelous art, architecture, landscape, and in a place that has given life to some of the greatest artists and composers in history. This is one of the principal reasons why, after a quarter-century of my career, I still have great enthusiasm to travel and perform all over the globe. It is a tremendous joy to be able to share the beauty of Italian music and culture with people across the world.: I will respond with the words of a famous Tuscan writer who said: “How can you possibly talk about Tuscany? It is almost impossible, it would take your entire life.” Every region of Italy has its own beauty and its own magical uniqueness, but Tuscany is where my roots are and the region to which I am most connected. It is a land where travelers from all across the world converge on because it has an unparalleled beauty. We have the sea, rolling hills that look like paintings, and then the richest cities of art in the world. You never get bored in Tuscany. The people are cordial, the food is unique and fabulous, the wine is excellent, and the oil is pure and natural. This is a region that has influenced the human race for centuries, from the Renaissance to Leonardo da Vinci to Michelangelo to Giacomo Puccini and many other great children of Tuscany. 

AD: You have shown the world that with the right spirit and determination, overcoming obstacles is possible. What advice would you give those who are facing challenges in their lives?

AB: The most important goals in life are always the ones of internal nature. I am a completely normal person in my habits, routines, relationships, and in my smallest and largest flaws as a human. I try to never lose sight of my serenity and my optimism. I believe that everyone can be grateful for the beautiful instruments and characteristics that God has given them, whatever they might be. I am a man of faith, so I use this as my tool to guard my life and to grow incrementally. My greatest wish, particularly for those who might be dealing with difficult moments, is to try to find the greatest gift of all, faith. Faith, along with hope and kindness, represents the foundation of Christianity. The first piece of advice is to listen to your conscience, to have faith and to be generous and to abandon arrogance and ego as much as possible. Once you have achieved that, you can aspire to achieve any goals along with dedication, discipline and perseverance. I recommend arming yourself with a strong will to improve and with a spirit of sacrifice, cultivating your talent and believing firmly in achieving your purpose in life.

